This is how you can find us fast!
Berlin has a extensive public transportation system consisting of U-Bahn (subway), S-Bahn (railway) and buses. Because of a well organized and far reaching system for coordinating trains and busses; therefore, it is possible for you to get to our campus or the Salis-Residence fast without a car.
Your way to us:
Start am Busbahnhof Flughafen Tegel
Bus TXL in Richtung S-und U-Bahnhof Alexanderplatz bis
U-Bahnhof Turmstraße
Umsteigen in die U-Bahn U9 in Richtung Rathaus Steglitz bis
U-Bahnhof Walther-Schreiber-Platz
Von dort 600m zu Fuß bis zur Kreuznacher Straße 6, 14197 Berlin